A Review of 2024 and concerts

2024 was another very successful year for the Ongar Singers. The number of choir members increased to 52 and with more men joining we now have a tenor section as well as a bass. Our music choices continue to be flexible and varied which reflects the musical tastes of our members. Our musical director continues to challenge us with various genres including madrigals, popular songs and sacred works. The one thing that unites us all is quite simply a love of singing but we do all love a musical.

The highlights of the year were our concerts. Our summer concert in June was (after a lastminute change of venue) held in St Christopher’s Church, Willingale. This was the first time we have held a concert outside the Ongar area but we still had a large and enthusiastic audience. Fortunately, the weather was kind and strawberries and cream were enjoyed in the sunshine. Our programme that evening ranged from Queen and the Lion King to Gilbert & Sullivan and Faure. Something for everyone.

Then in September we held our first ever afternoon concert at St. Mary’s in High Ongar. Our musical selection for this concert was light-hearted and fun, a medley of Rodgers & Hammerstein musicals being the most memorable. In keeping with the time of day our refreshments on this occasion were tea and cake.

At the end of November a number of choir members sang Christmas Carols at the High Ongar Christmas light switch-on event. This has now become something of a tradition for the choir and helps us all to get onto the Christmas spirit. We also sang Christmas songs and Carols at Woodland Grove care home in Loughton to a very receptive and appreciative audience.

Our final performance of the year was our Christmas concert, also held at St. Mary’s. Tickets for this event sold out in record time and we sang to the largest audience we have ever had. Once again, the programme was varied but always keeping to the seasonal theme. We showcase modern composers (John Rutter, Philip Stopford and Bob Chilcott) as well as singing Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and traditional Carols with audience participation. The evening wasconsidered by all to be a great success and was a wonderful way to end an exciting year.