The Ongar Singers

The choir known as the Ongar Singers was formed in 2015 by a small group of people who had sung together previously in a choir. The ethos of the choir is to include anyone who enjoys singing, there is no audition and all levels of musical ability are welcome. The stated aim is to sing a wide variety of music, recently described as ‘madrigals to Metallica’, but widely encompassing all musical genres.

The Ongar Singers perform two or three concerts a year, occasionally sing in care homes, support local seasonal events and when invited sing at weddings and funerals. Some of the members, who particularly enjoy church music, have taken part in Sung Evensong in All Saint’s church in Norton Mandeville.

The choir meet on Wednesday evenings (term time only) in the Budworth Hall in Ongar. Music is provided and tea and cake is offered in the break. Recorded tracks are available to all so the ability to read music is not a prerequisite.

Corinna Richards

Musical Director

Since 2020 Corinna Richards has been the Musical Director of the Ongar Singers. Under her leadership the choir has grown in number and in confidence. She challenges all sections of the choir to try new pieces and to constantly improve our performance.

I arrived at Ongar Singers slightly by ‘accident’ or was it ‘serendipitous’? Right place at the right time and our journey began ,First challenge covid!
Lots of us living alone, I can only speak for myself but the group became my lifeline. Our singing was forged in friendship, and this continues.

I have been fortunate to sing in choirs since my school years including under Jonathan Wilcox at the Junior Royal Academy of music and at Kings College London. I went on to lead choirs through my church involvement and musically direct the odd amateur dramatic show.

I don’t really care where or who people sing with…..just make sure you are singing!

From the very beginning Suzanna Brooks has been the pianist for the Ongar Singers:

I’ve played for a community choir in Ongar for almost 20 years, as well as playing the organ in local churches. I love seeing how choirs grow together, musically and socially – singing in a choir gives so much joy!
Suzanna Brooks

We are proud to support local charities and this year we have chosen Harlow-based Plant Pots and Wellies. 

They are an exciting and inclusive community initiative which supports both children and adults with additional needs. Their project provides safe opportunities for horticultural and outdoor therapy, learning new skills, increasing mobility, whilst socialising, meeting people and being part of a community.